Many things can be a source of blood. Whether it is a cut, a menstrual period, or a pet, blood can be a hassle to get rid of. The most important thing to consider when removing blood is to take care of it as soon as possible. Fresh blood stains are much easier to remove than the ones that have had the time to settle deeper into the fibres of the mattress fabric.
Even though it might seem harder to remove blood stains from mattresses than it is from regular washable clothing, it is, in fact, as easy. You can do this with common household products that you probably already have at home. Depending on the amount of blood, you may need to put in a bit more effort, and indeed, it will not be as easy as throwing it in the washing machine, however, you will be able to get rid of all trades of blood as long as you follow these steps.
In this article, we will share some efficient tips and tricks with which you will be able to get rid of fresh and older blood stains easily.

Ideally, you should clean blood stains as soon as they occur. However, if you missed any, you shall get rid of them whenever you are cleaning your bedding, or at least when you are washing your mattress seasonally. For this purpose, you can turn to specialists with mattress cleaning.

There are several products that can help you efficiently get blood out of a mattress. The methods we will share with you all use common household products. We suggest you try the ones you have in hand first, before attempting to clean your bloody mattress with any stronger detergents.
Extra tip: If the method you chose does not remove the stain completely from your mattress, repeat all the steps a few times and see if that works. Once that doesn’t show any results, move to another, stronger cleaning method.
Always use cold water when cleaning blood stains out of any fabrics. Blood stains are protein-based stains and hot water can cook the protein and cause them to become hard to remove or even permanent. To avoid embedding the blood deeper into the fabric, always flush with cold water before attempting any cleaning methods.

How to properly clean your mattress (bedding, sheets, and comforters) of blood

1. Remove all the bedding – sheets, comforters, and mattress pads from the mattress. If the stain is fresh, wash it in cold water immediately. You can use stain removers or heavy-duty laundry detergents to help dissolve the stain composition.
2. Blot fresh blood stains – If you are dealing with a large amount of blood, blot it first. Grab a paper towel and blot away as much blood from the stain as possible. Avoid rubbing, as it may cause the spreading of the stain, making it bigger. Place the paper towel on top of the stain and press down to absorb as much moisture as possible.
3. Use cold water – If you are dealing with a small fresh blood stain, flushing it out with cold water may be enough to remove it from the fabric. Dip a cloth in cold water and blot the stain away. Move to a clean area of the cloth as the blood transfers to the fabric. If you manage to remove the blood stain, use a dry cloth to blot out the remaining moisture from the stained area. Allow the mattress to air dry for several hours.
4. Combine baking soda and hydrogen peroxide – Mix a paste using ½ cup of baking soda and ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide. Use a soft-bristled brush to rub the paste into the fabric of the mattress and gently rub until it is properly gone. Always work from the outer edge toward the centre to avoid spreading. The mixture will bubble as the hydrogen peroxide reacts with the blood. Allow the paste to work for 30 minutes, then dip a clean cloth in cold water and wring it until it is damp and not dripping. Blot the stained area and wipe the remaining cleaning solution in the process. Move to a clean area of the cloth as the stain transfers.
5. Air dry – Allow the surface of the mattress to air dry for several hours before brushing away or vacuuming the remaining dry paste. Hydrogen peroxide is a mild bleach that may discolour the fabric slightly, but not damage the padding or the general interior structure of the mattress
6. Use a heavy laundry detergent – For old or dry blood stains, use a drop or two enzyme-based heavy-duty laundry detergent. Gently rub it in with your fingers, allow it to sit on the stained area for at least 15 minutes, then rinse all soapy residue with a clean cloth dipped in plain water. For tougher stains, use a soft-bristled brush and always work starting at the outer edge of the stain, moving toward the centre.

Extra tip:
If none of those work, you can mix oxygen bleach and water according to the package instructions, dab it on the stained area and wait for 10-15 minutes. Rinse the stain with a cloth dipped in water, then allow the mattress to air dry completely for a few hours.