Many homes have an attic and even though it usually serves as a storage space for most households, it is ideal for expanding your property. Your attic may not be a part of your regular cleaning schedule but if you go there once a year to collect your Christmas decorations or other items that are not used often enough to not be stored away, you may notice just how much dirt, grime, cobwebs, and dust. What is more, allergens like mouse droppings, mould, and insect carcasses are also common.
Once you open the door to your attic, all those sneak into your home, filling the air with irritating dust that will affect you and may trigger your allergies or asthma.

If you decide it is time to clean your attic because you are overwhelmed by the dirt collected there, or because you want to convert it into a living space, do not worry. Even though the job may seem scary, once you break it down into steps, you will be able to finish it in no time. This is exactly what this article will do so keep reading to find out how to do this in the best way possible.

Cleaning years of accumulated dust and grime will require time, patience, and effort so here are the five steps you can take to make everything easier:

  1. Prepare your gear – Before entering the attic, prepare a filtration mask, gloves, and safety glasses. You never know what you will encounter in that dark attic of yours and you can never be too prepared. Bring a vacuum cleaner, a broom, and a dustpan. Check if there is a working light bulb and prepare a flashlight just in case.
  2. Clear your way in there – Be careful where you stand – The ceiling/attic floor in older houses may be rotten and not have enough strength to support your weight. Begin removing boxed, and other items that may prevent you from reaching the end of your attic. It is best if you have someone to help you and bring the boxes down into the house. If there is furniture or larger objects, remove them to make the thorough cleaning of the attic easier.
  3. Get rid of dust – Begin dusting the light fixtures, ceiling, and walls with your broom. Make sure you reach all corners, and crevices, and do not forget to vacuum behind furniture that remains in the attic. When done, sweep and vacuum the floor. You can bring a rubbish bag to fill if there are excessive amounts of dirt and dust, but use your vacuum cleaner to remove dirt that is stuck between the floorboards. Wipe any furniture, shelves, or other surfaces that may be grimy and dusty. If there are windows in your attic, open them to improve the airflow and not fill the entire space with dust. In the end, dust the windows and window frames, then clean them using a glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth.
  4. Inspect the attic – Once you are done cleaning the attic, it is time to inspect it for any problems. No matter if you plan on converting it into a bedroom, living room, or office space, or keep using it for storage, inspection is important. Check the attic floor, the insulation, the roof, and the windows.
  5. Start by inspecting your corners and external walls for mould and mildew, as well as any signs of pest infestations. If there is missing insulation, floorboards, moisture damage, or any other issues, call a professional company. While you can replace some things yourself, it is always best to hire a professional, especially for more serious construction issues or electrical installations.

  6. Organise and sort – Once you have finished the cleaning and restoration steps, it is time to go through all the items that you removed from the attic, as well as the ones that are still in there. Go through all the boxes, cupboards, and drawers, and separate all the items into three piles – keep, dispose of, and donate. Do not keep anything that you do not need or want. Anything you actually want to keep, organise carefully and place back in clear boxes with labels. Ask your helper to assist you in bringing items back into your freshly cleaned attic. You will be impressed by how many things you don’t actually need, as well as the space that you will have up there.

If you decide on renovating your attic and converting it into a living space, once you are done cleaning, remove all items and furniture, look around the place, estimate how much space there is and what you can best make out of it. Make a general plan and ask a professional contractor to come to design a room for you and make the best out of it.